Meet The Facilitators
Rita Martin (she/her)
NF Coaching Sales Team

Rita is a member of the Nerd Fitness Sales Team, and loves being able to connect with anyone interested in joining Nerd Fitness 1:1 Coaching. She was a Coaching client herself for about a year and loves Olympic weight lifting and baking.
Star wars or LOTR?: I’d rather spend my time in Middle Earth hands down.
What’s your favorite video game?: Galaga, I’m a sucker for retro arcade games.
If you had any superpower, what would it be?: Flying, I’d love to see the world as the birds do!
Noel Fernando (they/them)
Head of NF Journey Experience

Noel has been a member of Team Nerd Fitness for the past 7 years, so you’ve probably seen them around. They’ve written recipe blog posts, answered emails, managed producing Rising Heroes, matched clients with Coaches, and now they manage the NF Journey app.
They live in Albuquerque, NM with their partner and a very anxious dog. In their spare time, they dabble in digital illustration, drawing and painting, and picking up heavy things.
The Nerdy Stuff:
Star Wars or LOTR?: LOTR because hobbits share both my size and eating habits. My mom read The Hobbit to me and my siblings multiple times growing up, and it gives me a lot of comfort to read now as an adult.
What’s your favorite video game?: For a long time, this place of honor was occupied by Ocarina of Time, but in 2020 it was ousted by my first play through of Hollow Knight. I’ve since played through HK at least 5 times racking up multiple endings, speed runs, and joy runs. I am anxiously awaiting Silksong.
If you had any superpower, what would it be?: Shape shifting. As a fan of werewolves and a gender non-conforming human, to me this is an obvious answer. If my meat-suit could match my inner-personhood without having to jump through extensive insurance requirements, embarrassing doctor appointments, painful surgeries, and legislative threats, that’d be super.
Ryan Bresnahan (he/him)
Chief Operating Officer

In his free time, he leads a young entrepreneur group, plays in a long-running DnD campaign, and kayaks throughout San Diego, where he lives with his wife.
The Nerdy Stuff:
Star Wars or LOTR?: Lord of the Rings. It was my introduction to high fantasy when my dad read it to me at the age of six. I’ve reread it many times since, and there are few bits of prose in the English language that hit me like the dream in the house of Bombadil.
What’s your favorite video game?: Journey. It is a masterpiece of gaming, and the heights it was pushed to by constantly re-upping the ante, as it passed between the game and art direction of Jenova Chen and Matt Nava to the music of Austin Wintory and back again, to this day leave me overcome with emotion on each playthrough — catharsis in its most classical definition. It was the first time I was confronted with the idea that a game can surpass its taxonomic origin — that it could eschew the mantle of entertainment and become purely art.
If you had any superpower, what would it be?: I hate to be boring here, but I’d pass on superpowers. Everyone who has one seems to live a truly miserable life. Anyway, that much power would inevitably leave me stricken with fear of moral failing — every wrong decision has outsized effect on the lives of others. No, leave the superpowers to the masochist ethicists and philosopher-kings.