
🙌 You’re officially on the priority waiting list for Nerd Fitness Coaching.

Awesome! We successfully received your deposit and are holding your spot on our priority waiting list to get matched with a Nerd Fitness Coach.

You’re a few short steps away from personalized workouts, nutrition guidance, and world-class coaching and accountability. 🎉

Here’s what happens next.

Step 1) Schedule an onboarding call with our team.

We’ll answer any questions you have about getting started, welcome you to the program, and ask you questions to start our matchmaking process and find the perfect coach for you!

Step 2) Check your email for links to complete our questionnaire and waiver.

These are REQUIRED to get you started. We recommend you do them right away!

The questionnaire goes into much further detail about your exercise history, goals, and current needs. This will be the information your coach uses to start building your program for you.

Step 3) Review our Coaching FAQ

Once you complete your questionnaire, we’ll send you additional resources exclusive to our coaching program, including our Coaching FAQ document. We recommend reviewing this as it answers common questions about how our program works and what you can expect in your first few weeks with us!

Step 4) Sit tight as we use all that information to connect you with your coach.

You’ll receive another email with your official start date and coach match once your paperwork is completed and we have matched you with a coach!

Our current expected wait time is 5-10 days, depending on how quickly you are able to complete Steps 1 and 2!

As a reminder: The deposit you paid today will serve as payment for your first membership term, and your card will not be charged again until the start of your next term. (Your first term officially starts the first day with your coach.)

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please shoot us a note at coaching@nerdfitness.com.

For the Rebellion!